How to fine-tune your marketing messages to prevent & overcome buying objections

What are the messages my prospects need to hear to overcome objections?

Every sales coach teaches you how to handle objections. Very few teach you how to prevent objections.

What do you prefer?

I assume that you’d like to prevent objections – but let’s also assume that that is not entirely possible.

However, there’s a way that you can get your audience ready to buy and anticipate and deal with the most common objections before it comes to the close.

Your content and copy play a huge role in objection handling and prevention.

But let me backtrack a little and talk about the difference between copy and content writing and the difference between brand messaging and marketing messaging.

You cannot totally separate one from the other because your brand messaging (that is delivered through your content) is focused on building relationships and getting your audience ready to buy. In other words – your brand messaging is preselecting the right people and moves them through their customer’s journey from know to like to trust.

The copy that you use for your marketing messaging has the purpose of motivating your audience to take action – and usually, that is to make a buying decision or take the next step closer to a place where you can sell (like a 1:1 sales call).

Copy needs content and your marketing messaging needs your core brand messaging as a foundation. Your brand messaging is your foundation and your marketing messaging is derived from this foundation.

This little graphic shows you what I’ve just been talking about. Your marketing messaging sits right at the top of the pyramid!

Here’s another way of explaining it…

Your brand messaging precedes your marketing messaging

The (brand) messages that you are sending out into the world through your content marketing are preparing your audience to buy.

Your audience is consuming content that speaks to their pain points and is teaching them strategies and techniques and gives them tools like checklists and workbooks (through your lead magnets). By consuming your content and working through it, they experience that what they want to achieve is doable.

With your content, you are giving them partial wins, knowledge that moves them away from their pain and moves them closer to their goals and dreams.

With your brand’s messaging, you are addressing your audience’s pain points, challenges, desires, and needs. You take away the fear, empower them, and show them that they can do it – with your help!

Your content is step-by-step preparing your audience for working with you. Working with you is not for everyone and your brand messaging is pre-selecting those people who are a good fit to work with you.

Your preselection is rooted in your brand foundation. When you talk about your values and beliefs, what matters to you, what you take a stand against etc. – all that comes from your brand foundations and if you are authentically yourself, then you also polarise your audience.

And that is a good thing because you want to work with people who are attuned to you and think in similar ways.

Your brand messaging also creates the desire and confidence in your audience that they want to work with you (and no one else). Your differentiation plays an important part in your clients

choosing you. You might have similar stories and experiences, you are well qualified, you have a proprietary approach or certain strengths that help your clients in a specific way.

You communicate your brand foundations through your brand messaging and that gets your audience ready to buy.

But what happens next?

Your marketing messaging removes objections

Take another look at the graphic. You’ll see that your marketing messaging or your copy sits right at the top of the pyramid. Your copy is inspired by your brand foundations and your brand messaging.

That also means that you know your customer down to the tiniest detail. You know what they want, what they are struggling with and what their objections or hesitations are.

You know their moments of doubt and fear before they are jumping all in to do something extraordinary (i.e. working with you!). If they are not ready to buy and still have some open questions, they might be coming up with all sorts of excuses, reasons why they can’t do it, risks they haven’t thought about and lots of doubt.

Your marketing messaging is addressing these objections, doubts and fears and is defeating them one by one – with the goal to turn your prospects into clients.

Your marketing messaging and your sales copy address questions like:

  • Is this right for me? Am I the right fit?
  • Am I ready to do this?
  • How is the solution delivered and will it be right for me (delivered in a way that suits my learning style)?
  • Will I get the outcome I expect?
  • Why is it going to be different this time (because I have failed before)?
  • Will I finish?
  • Is there anything preventing me from seeing it through?
  • I’m not good at this – but will it work for me?

And you are talking about your services, your course or programme…

  • Your promise and the outcomes your clients can achieve
  • What is included in your offer
  • How it will transform lives and make their dreams come true
  • Whom your offer is for – to confirm that you get the right people on board
  • How your solution is delivered
  • How you ensure a successful completion
  • Why you are the best person to work with – including your story, experience, knowledge, and qualifications that have an impact on the successful completion of your programme
  • How your offer is different, better, more effective
  • Customer success stories as proof that you deliver on your promise
  • The value that your offer and what it is costing them not to work with you

With your marketing messaging, you overcome objections, doubts, and fears and motivate your audience to buy.

Your marketing message is reaching your audience through email marketing, ads, offer posts, sales pages and calls, public speaking, podcasts – or whatever platform helps you to market and sell your offers.

And then what?

You need to (over-) deliver. It’s up to you to make success happen for your clients.

And at this point I want to give a shoutout to Lorlett Hudson, a coach I am working with and whose words I am going to borrow. She’s a master at making the impossible happen for her clients.  

In fact, one of her core messages is to “help her clients achieve what they never thought possible”.

Once you’ve changed your clients' lives, they become your advocates and become powerful marketing allies through the referrals they send your way and their testimonials.

But let me say it once more: take another look at the graphic and be honest with yourself.

Have you created solid brand foundations and brand messages that prepare your audience to buy?

If you’re not 100% sure, then send me a message and we could find out if you need my help!

Categories: Copywriting, Contentwriting, Sales, Sales Page, Marketing

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