Lost for words when talking about your offer? How to create your own messaging system

Talking about your offer in a way that makes your audience see the value in your offer can be difficult. Here's what you need to do...

Writing a sales page is the ultimate test of whether you are able to talk about your offer compellingly and with clarity that leaves your audience with a strong desire for working with you.

Writing and talking about your offer in a way that leaves no questions or objections can be harder than you first believe.

For me, the key is a holistic messaging system.

Your offer doesn’t exist in isolation. Your offer is part of a messaging system that includes you as a person (and all that makes you an expert in your area), your ideal client (and what you know about him/her), and your brand.

Just this morning, I followed a discussion about the statement “people buy you, not the solution”. As you can imagine, the discussion was lively.

Statements like this take a too simplistic view, and as I said, you, your ideal client, your offer, and your brand form a deeply interconnected system that needs all its parts to deliver a strong message about your offer.

In recent posts, I already wrote about the clarity that you need to talk about your offer – but with a different message in mind.

You can take a look at these posts by clicking on the images below:

In this post, I want to focus on the system that lets you find the language to talk about your offer in a compelling way.

Ultimately, your clients want you to answer these questions:

  • Are you a good match for me?
  • Will this offer solve my problem?
  • Will the process work for me?

Your offer is always based on who you are

But are you a good match for your client?

You are not all there is to your offer but you (as a person and professional) are a large part of why your clients sign up with you.

As much as we would like to believe that it is only our personality that drives our clients to buy from us – our audience is very sophisticated and able to analyse multiple streams of information to select the offer that works for them best.

Personality plays an important role. But it is not everything.

For now, let’s focus on a few factors that show how you influence your offer and how you talk about your offer:

  • Your strengths, knowledge, qualifications, experience, expertise, and skills flow into your offer – into the outcomes, structure, process, journey, language…
  • Your story – the parts that have formed you, flow into your offer – how you grew up, the people you’ve met on the way, the challenges you had to overcome, the relationships you’ve had…
  • Your insights, beliefs, values, preferences, and purpose shape who you are and how you show up. They define what is important for you, what you believe in, how you position yourself and your offer…

When you follow the first link I shared above, you can find out how to create an experience inventory that helps you extract all the information I’ve just spoken about.

For me, an experience inventory is an absolute MUST as it helps you to find the language you need to talk about yourself, how you qualify as an expert, how you differentiate yourself and why people should work with you – and it is the source for articulating your values and beliefs which fuel your brand and get the right people to resonate and align with you.

When you thoroughly explore yourself holistically, you see why the statement “people buy you, not the solution” has some validity.

Your offer is based on what your clients want and need

"Give people what they want and they will like you for now. Give people what they need and they will value you forever.
– Simon Sinek

I love that quote. The reason is that often people don’t know what they need.

They might want to lose 30kg but they need a mindset change that helps them to change their lifestyle and their relationship with food and exercise so that they keep the weight off.

They might want to work with a copywriter so that they get a high-converting copy but they need to have messaging clarity first so that they can give the copywriter the information she needs to write magnetic copy.

Often, people do not see what their real problems are and are looking for the wrong solution.

Part of creating an offer that sells is to know what your clients need – and then connect with their wants to lead them to the solution they need to solve their problem.

For that, you need to understand your clients’ demographics, interpret them – but most of all their psychographics to understand what they need and identify the language of how they talk about their problems.

And lastly – it is important to know your clients’ stories so that you can identify the touchpoints that connect your stories with theirs.

Storytelling is probably the most powerful marketing tool that you have at your fingertips – even if you don’t share the same story as your audience.

If that’s a problem that you are struggling with, then let me assure you that you don’t need an “I’ve been in your shoes story”.

If you click on the image below – you’ll find a blog where I talk about how to tell your story when you don’t share the same experiences.

Your offer is built around the transformation your clients need

Identifying your clients’ needs and wants is the foundation for creating an offer that sells. Validating your offer is necessary to ensure that it will sell.

It is also important to have a clear overall outcome or solution to a problem that your clients are struggling with.

When you are creating your offer, every step has to contribute to the solution. Every feature has to contribute to the solution and an outstanding user experience.

To talk about your offer, you need to have clarity on every feature, how that feature translates into benefits, and how these benefits translate into long-term outcomes.

This can be a somewhat time-consuming and very detailed exercise, but it’s worth every minute you spend. This exercise gives you all the language that you need to talk about your offer.

This exercise helps you to review and fine-tune your offer because it allows you to eliminate any features that are not contributing to the outcome and slow down or confuse your clients.

When creating an offer, always keep in mind how you can create the most effective and direct route to your client’s success. Knowing how to talk about it is essential for engaging their hearts and minds because features don’t sell.

Benefits and outcomes create an emotional bond that you need to sell.

Your offer is part of your brand

Especially if you already have a brand – it is important that your offer is aligned with your brand.

Your offer needs to be aligned with your values, beliefs, purpose, story, and positioning. It needs to seamlessly integrate into what you stand for and what your brand is representing.

If you own a low-price brand, then a high-ticket offer might be hard to sell to an audience that doesn’t want to spend a lot.

If your brand stands for fun and enjoyment, then a highly knowledge-based offer will probably not resonate with your audience.

Diversification and trends are one thing – creating an offer that is aligned with your brand are another. Your brand is built upon who you and your clients are and prefer. Your offer needs to fit in.

You probably won’t buy shoes made by Miele, or a dishwasher made by Nike. Know your brand and create offers that are aligned with your brand.

That makes it so much easier to market your offer to an audience that is perceptive and has probably bought from you before.

How to create your own messaging system

I hope that the information I’ve shared in this post helps you to create your own messaging system.

The most important takeaway I want you to have, is, that your offer is part of a system. It grows and develops with you and if you take care, it will evolve as you and the world around you change.

AND – you will always have the language to talk about your offer in a way that resonates with the right people.

Send me a message if you need a bit of help with finding the language that you need to fine-tune and talk about your offer.

I’m here – and I’m excited to hear about your offer!

Categories: : Brand Messaging, Brand Promise, Conversion, Marketing, Messaging, Offer

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